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This flag waves King’s message of justice around the nation. There’s nothing more beautiful than a waving flag. This flag symbolizes service and you are reminded to commemorate his message all year long.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee

The flag is a classic tribute to our country's most influential Civil Rights Leader.

Joe Dumars
President, Detroit Pistons

It is with extreme pleasure that we share with our family and neighbors the fact that we in 2008 are committed to living Dr. King's dream. At our home this flag will fly as a symbol of our covenant.

Millie and Steve Smith
Atlanta, GA

"The legacy of this World Civil Rights Leader will be something that students of this age and the future can continuously experience. When they see the flag of Martin Luther King, Jr. in their schools, churches, and public buildings, they will be reminded of the ultimate sacrifice he made so that opportunities that had been denied minorities over 400 years, will no longer be.”

Charles W. Ross,
Educator of over 50 years as a teacher, school counselor, school principal, and member of the District Board of Education, The Louisiana School Board Association and a member of the Federal Relations Network of the National School Board Association.

"The flag was given to me by my daughter to display on my home honoring the birthday of Martin Luther King". "I was invited to a black history program held a local elementary school. Being a close associate with the teachers of the school, I assisted with the decorations for the school program. I thought it would be a great idea to bring the MLK decorative flag from my home and use it as part of the decor for the MLK school program.

The MLK flag was displayed on the front stage in the school auditorium where the children presented their program and the guest speakers addressed the children. After the school program, I was approached by numerous teachers and people of the audience of various ethnicities, inquiring about where they might purchase the MLK Flag. The school principal, Shirley James, stated that she would like to have one to hang up in the school as well as outside of the school alongside the American Flag during Black history month. I explained to her that this was a personal flag that was designed and created by my daughter, Maria for personal use. I informed her that I would discuss my daughter the possibility of getting additional flags

Ida Landry, mother of Maria Ross,
designer of the MLK Flag

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